You’re here because SOMETHING has to change. You’re exhausted, overwhelmed, sick, and so confused about your health. Everywhere you look there are contradicting ideas and information. You don’t know who or what to trust. You have tried a million different regimens, supplements, programs and you STILL can’t “crack the code” on how to JUST feel good.

So often we want to skip to the end! We want to feel better NOW, so we take pills, we jump on fad diets, we torment ourselves. We never face the REAL PROBLEM! The REASON we have the habits we have. Why we have the addictions we have. How the food we eat affects, not only our bodies, but how our brain functions, our mental health, even our careers and relationships. 

In this course we will go to the root of the issues and bring our mind, body, and souls back into HARMONY! Only then can we make new habits that stick. Only when we are aware of what drives our subconscious, can we incorporate new things, new ideas, and truly be changed! 

You will find NO DIETS, NO CALORIE COUNTING, or WORKOUT PROGRAMS here. You’ve done that before. It wasn’t sustainable. If you can fix the FOUNDATION of your health, everything else will fall into place.


You actually CAN have your cake and eat it too. Just make sure it’s a REAL cake!




Sometimes, FAST really is BETTER! Enough dilly dallying and let’s get to WORK! Watch these videos as fast or as slow as you need to! This course was originally done with Live Calls! You will have access to pre recorded videos that address each topic and point directly as well as the full 2+hr Live Recording of the original class!


You will be able to access and rewatch these videos at any time and watch them at your own pace. I believe wholeheartedly that to truly master new skills you must “rinse and repeat”. Watch things over and over and implement them until they become a habit! You’ll be able to do just that at any time of your life.


There is so much to this… it’s so daunting… I don’t know where to start… how do I know what and who to trust…” I’ve heard it all before. Trust me when I tell you;


It is what I was called to do in this life. When this course is over, you will know EXACTLY how to start, what to research, where you want to go with this, how to start cooking, how to get your partner in on it, and have the confidence you need to stand your ground with you friends + family, with grace and respect. You will have active practices and tools to implement daily as well as a game plan going forward to make more educated decisions for your health and life.


I will arm you with everything you need to make this transition as simple as possible. Simple doesn’t mean easy! But it will be straightforward and you won’t be tackling this alone.


SOME SURPRISES!… no, I’m not going to tell you what they are, but TRUST ME, you are going to love them!


The history of food culture, understanding calories + MACROS, how to read a food label, understanding how your body works, creating a Sacred Start, meditation 101, Understanding the food industry, cooking for newbies, how to balance your life more efficiently, how to radically improve your digestion, and so much more!


$1000 scholarship

Yes, you read that correctly! FINISH this course within 21 days, SHOW UP LIVE to every call and do your “homework” …

This work is so important! Unlearning + implementing simple truth will not only change your entire LIFE + EXPERIENCE HERE, but it will change your family, the next generation, and the world! I know, without a shadow of a doubt, this program will change the world. I WILL change this world but I can’t do it without YOU!

I will give you a $1000 scholarship towards Phase 2 for finishing!

take control of your own life


one time payment


1 - A phase 1 beginners guide to changing your mindset around food and how to live a more vital and fully vibrant life.



2 - A phase 1 beginners guide to changing your mindset around food and how to live a more vital and fully vibrant life.



Exactly what you get when you sign up for Harmony:

Harmony is a 4-session self-study course that was taught live and recorded for you to do at any time.

don't forget the faq's

- If you finish Harmony 21 days after your purchase, I will give GIFT YOU a $1000 scholarship towards Phase 2: Sovereign! A code will be sent to you once you’ve completed Harmony to use towards Sovereign. I will be able to track your progress in your portal to see if you truly have finished within 21 days! Be sure to mark each course as complete as you move along to track your progress.

- I highly recommend that you do Sovereign after Harmony! It will arm you with advanced healing modalities and resources you’ll be able to implement for the rest of your life! (Read more about Sovereign HERE) - add a button for that.

- You will have access to a FREE bi-weekly live Q&A call for 90 days after the purchase of your course.

- You will have unlimited access to this at your own pace course.

- This is an Online course, no in person meetings.

- Please do NOT give anyone else access to your account. Doing so will be a violation of your purchase agreement and your membership will be terminated immediately with no refund.

- If you have a question email

***All Purchases are Final***

✺ If you finish Harmony 21 days after your purchase, I will give GIFT YOU a $1000 scholarship towards Phase 2: Sovereign! A code will be sent to you once you’ve completed Harmony to use towards Sovereign. I will be able to track your progress in your portal to see if you truly have finished within 21 days! Be sure to mark each course as complete as you move along to track your progress.

✺ I highly recommend that you do Sovereign after Harmony! It will arm you with advanced healing modalities and resources you’ll be able to implement for the rest of your life! (Read more about Sovereign HERE) - add a button for that.

✺ You will have access to a FREE bi-weekly live Q&A call for 90 days after the purchase of your course.

✺ You will have unlimited access to this at your own pace course.

✺ This is an Online course, no in person meetings.

✺ Please do NOT give anyone else access to your account. Doing so will be a violation of your purchase agreement and your membership will be terminated immediately with no refund.

✺ If you have a question email

***All Purchases are Final***

don't just take it from me


“In just the few short weeks that you’ve mentored me, my son is understanding his schoolwork better, he’s playing elaborate games with his siblings, and his speech is so clear, others are starting to understand him. There’s also been positive changes with the rest of my family and myself, of course. I have finally let myself feel again. I’ve been through so much trauma this last decade, I basically taught myself to not feel. Opening myself up has been scary and painful, but also beautiful. Thank you for facilitating that.” -- Jessica S.

“There were people in HARMONY from literally every stage in a wellness journey, and you could tell it was the first time they’ve ever taken a step towards honoring themselves as the beautiful humans they are. Christina’s experience with her sweet baby boy is something that would have broken many women, but she used it as the catalyst that launched her onto a path that will change generations! That is beyond inspirational.” - Becca H.

“Harmony was a joy to my soul. For years I have struggled with my weight, dieting, and absolutely punishing myself, living in a state of constant stress and hustle. Christina made me realize how worth it my body is to make the extra effort to just make the dang bread at home and eat it if I want to. I started following her before my son was born, and I always watched all of her content because she always felt like an old friend talking about things that resonated with me to my bones, and I knew I needed to learn from her. I lost myself in becoming a new mom, willingly and happily sacrificing every ounce of myself to try to get this tiny little baby to thrive. But now, Christina reminded me that I get to thrive too, and by me thriving I can help him do the same. For the first time in my life, I feel authentically joyful for my body even though it’s not the same as it was. Even though I’m still adapting to my new mom role, and I am not getting as much sleep as I wish I was, Christina helped me create little ways of still honoring and caring for my body. Thank you for sharing your wisdom Christina, it’s honest to God what you were born to do.” - Darci R.

“Incredible. This program was filled with useful, LIFE CHANGING information. So much of what we should know but don’t because we aren’t taught in school and get too distracted to learn on our own. The material was organized in a great sequence and pace. Every week we learned in depth information about one aspect of healthier living along with great anchoring exercises (meditations, visualizations, etc). This not only made the classes memorable, but helped make things stick. I also loved that this was more of a coaching program versus a “this is what healthy eating and living is, go do it”. We were guided through change, not just expected to change.” - Thais P.

“I really enjoyed how simple Harmony was. It didn't feel like a "camp", where you go home and forget everything because you aren't in that environment anymore. It was simple information and simple changes/additions to my everyday life that we all implemented right away. When the class ended I didn't stop any of the things that I had tried out, because they were nice additions to my daily routine that were benefiting me already.” - Brenna W.

“I loved the class. I love that I can do it at my own pace. I’m halfway through call 4 and still thrilled with the purchase! Harmony was absolutely beneficial, my family and I have seen dramatic improvements with our digestion and overall feelings of wellbeing!” - Genevieve F.

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